Conceived and Curated by Samara Hersch
Featuring the band Klezmania
Dramagturg – Lara Thoms
Sound Design - Marco Cher-Gibard
Lighting Design – Dans Maree Sheehan
Malthouse – The Beckett
April 12 -14 at 8pm
This evening is full of the unexpected and
a marvelous opportunity to catch a unique and culturally abundant journey of
storytelling with a full-bodied and resonant Jewish essence.
Proceedings open with a young man coming
from the audience and briefing us about Dybbuks. It is hard to know if he is meant to be there. Once he is politely removed, apparently by a
stage manager, Samara Hersch introduces her panel and explains that she is
working towards her own unique production of The Dybbuk. A Yiddish play; The Dybbuk premiered in Warsaw in 1920. It is about a young bride who became
possessed by the man she was meant to marry.
As the evening proceeds the audience learns
of a number of Dybbuks and perhaps experiences the presence of more than one or
We listen to the complex rich story of a
couple of Jewish entertainers who survived Auschwitz and reinvented them selves
in Australia to perform in many places including at Hepburn Springs. This is a beautifully researched and compiled
story - told with wonderful mellow clarity by Master Storyteller Arnold Zable.
Then in a kind of counter balancing act
young playwright, Jessica Bellamy, tells an hysterical story of the possessing
of a young contemporary Jewish bride to be.
Ms. Bellamy has a marvelous, at times, outrageous x rated sense of
Michael Gawenda, a journalist presents his
perspective and his son Husky delights with his song and guitar playing.
Performer and academic Yoni Prior, with splendid
irony, talks to us of a time when as a young actress she worked in Melbourne’s
unique and seminal Gilgul Theatre.
The preview was evocative and rewarding (not
without it’s ‘technical problems’) and glorious in its unexpected climatic
Suzanne Sandow
(For Stage Whispers)
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